Exhibitor Registration
Essential information for exhibitors.
Registration Options
Each primary exhibiting company was emailed login information to register booth representatives. The emails were sent to the contact person provided by your company.
After logging in to the exhibitor registration system, you will have two options for registering your exhibitor staff:
- Staff (Trade Show Only): This option allows access to the exhibits only and is only for company representatives who are working in your booth during exhibit hours. Each company was allocated eight (8) booth reps. per 10 x 10 booth. Please contact us if you need additional registrations.
- Conference (Sessions & Trade Show): (Note: This is available for primary contracted exhibitors only.) In addition to registering exhibitor staff for the trade show, primary exhibiting companies are entitled to two (2) complimentary 3-Day General registrations for Breakout sessions on Tuesday and General and Breakout sessions Wednesday & Thursday.
- Additional 3-Day and/or 1-Day General Registration may be purchased at the significantly discounted ASEV/CAWG Member rate.
- If purchasing additional conference registrations, you must register by January 20 to receive pre-registration rates. After January 20, you must register on-site and rates will be $200 higher for 3-Day and 1-Day General registration.
- For detailed exhibitor registration instructions, click here.
Follow the instructions on the Registration page when registration opens.
We highly recommend registering in advanced to speed up your check-in time.
On-site Registration
On-site registration will be located on Level 2 of the SAFE Credit Union Convention Center.
Pre-registered exhibitors can pick up their badges in the West Lobby (Level 1) of the SAFE Credit Union Convention Center.
If paying by check, please make payable to “Unified Wine & Grape Symposium.” All payments by check must be guaranteed with a credit card. The credit card will not be charged if payment by check is received by January 20, 2026.
Mail check to:
Unified Wine & Grape Symposium
c/o ASEV
PO Box 1855
Davis, CA 95617-1855
Confirmations will be sent to you by email immediately after registering.
If you have pre-registered, you may pick up your badge at the Unified Wine & Grape Symposium registration area during the registration hours listed in the Daily Schedule. The Unified Symposium does NOT mail badges in advance.
Your name, as provided on your registration, will be on your badge. Please register using your name as you want it printed on your badge.
Cancellations must be submitted in writing to Unified Wine & Grape Symposium and be faxed, emailed or postmarked by January 20, 2026.
A $50 service charge will be applied to session and/or seminar refunds.
Refunds will not be issued for the Directory of Registrants.