Become an Exhibitor

Benefits of Exhibiting

Meet with Other Industry Professionals

This is your opportunity to meet with thousands of wine industry professionals such as vineyard managers, vineyard owners, winemakers, winery managers, marketing executives, retail tasting room personnel, and more! Your sales representatives will have quality time to present and discuss your products or services without distractions. Expositions are the primary source for gathering product information. Take advantage of this opportunity to make the right contacts with a highly targeted group!


  • Draw a top-level, buying-power audience
  • Reach prospects for less than 58% of the cost of a direct sales call.
  • An easy-to-use lead retrieval system which provides you with the ability to scan in your booth visitor’s badge information.
  • Reach unknown prospects not contacted by a salesperson.
  • Reduce closing costs by 62% versus sales calls.
  • Have the client see the product or meet a representative on his or her own initiative – more successful than cold calls!
  • Online listing of your company information and products with a link to your website.

Unique Opportunities Abound

  • Dedicated exhibit time without overlapping education sessions or meetings. Just you and thousands of wine and grape industry professionals.
  • Designated locations for the hosted buffet luncheon and wine tasting on both exhibit floors.
  • Wine tasting throughout the exhibit areas — an opportunity for all attendees including those with Exhibit Hall Vouchers to sample wines from various regions and sample delicious hors d’oeuvres.
  • Exhibits Only Guest Passes — distribute them to current or potential clients!
  • Sponsorship and Advertising — you can choose from expanded categories.

*According to research by Simmons Market Research Bureau and the Center for Exhibition Industry Research.

<strong>Request a Booth</strong>