Speaker Resources

Login to the Speaker and Moderator Conditions page to access the following:

Please use the username and password that was provided in your speaker letter.

PowerPoint Presentation Details


After January 22, please bring your presentation with you to the SAFE Credit Union Convention Center on USB drive.

Please upload your final PowerPoint presentation by Wednesday, January 22 using the form below. It will accept files up to 25MB.
If your file is larger than 25MB, please Contact us for FTP information.

Feel free to use our UW&GS PowerPoint Template and refer to the Speaker PPT Guidelines for more information.

We recommend that speakers also bring their presentation on a USB drive to the conference. Do not deliver presentations to the A/V technician in the session rooms. If needed, please turn in presentations at least two hours prior to your presentation at the Speaker Counter in the West Lobby of the SAFE Convention Center.

Submit Your PowerPoint Presentation

Will you be a Moderator or Speaker?(Required)
I am uploading an updated presentation:
Your previous presentation will be replaced with the presentation you are uploading now. The last day to upload is January 22.
Accepted file types: ppt, pptx, pdf, Max. file size: 100 MB.
Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 100 MB.
Copyright and Music License Disclaimer All copyrighted or other legally protected material including images must be acknowledged and with permission obtained in advance as required by law and it is the speaker’s sole responsibility to do so. This pertains to all forms of media (print, audio, video, etc.). No music may be included in any presentation format as the UW&GS does not pay the music licensing fees that would be required. The UW&GS will not assume liability for any required copyright or legal reproduction acknowledgments that are disregarded. For your protection and that of the UW&GS, you are expected to comply with all copyright and other related laws as a condition of speaking. If you obtain permission for any reproduction used in your presentation, you must provide a copy of the permission granted to the UW&GS well in advance of the conference dates. Material (including images) obtained on the Internet does not exclude necessity to obtain permission from the author to use it. Internet sources do not automatically constitute open public access for usage. The UW&GS reserves the right to cease a slide show or other presentation component that is identified as violating these requirements and with associated liabilities.

Submit Your Picture and Biography

Please upload your picture and biography below. Be sure to add first and last name as you would like it to appear in the program.
Accepted file types: jpg, png, ortifonly, Max. file size: 100 MB.
Please enter text in the field as you would like it to appear on the website. Please, no web links to bio information.


If you are a 2025 speaker or moderator and have questions regarding your session or about the Unified Wine & Grape Symposium, please contact

speaker coordinators

You may also fill out a contact form.